2018年12月31日以前に刊行された、Stage 4の30冊がセットになっています。 ●A Time of Waiting ●The Big Sleep ●Black Beauty ●Brothers in Arms ●Cranford ●Death of an Englishman ●Desert, Mountain, Sea ●Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ●The Eagle of the Ninth ●Eat pray Love ●Emma ●Gulliver's Travels ●The Hound of the Baskervilles ●Land of my Childhood Stories from South Asia ●Little Women ●Lord Jim ●Lorna Doone ●Persuasion ●The Scarlet Letter ●Silas Marner ●The Silver Sword ●A Tale of Two Cities ●The Price of Peace Stories from Africa ●The Thirty-Nine Steps ●Three Men in a Boat ●Treasure Island ●Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea ●The Unquiet Grave-Short Stories ●Washington Square ●The Whispering Knights
語彙、文章量、内容などにおいて綿密にレベル分けされた Oxford Bookwormsは、最も効果的なグレイディッド・リーダーとして専門家たちにも高く評価されています。
Graded Readersは英語学習者向けの読み物シリーズなので1冊あたりは薄く、単価も安いですが、各1冊パックにしたセットはお買い得です。
●A Time of Waiting
●The Big Sleep
●Black Beauty
●Brothers in Arms
●Death of an Englishman
●Desert, Mountain, Sea
●Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
●The Eagle of the Ninth
●Eat pray Love
●Gulliver's Travels
●The Hound of the Baskervilles
●Land of my Childhood Stories from South Asia
●Little Women
●Lord Jim
●Lorna Doone
●The Scarlet Letter
●Silas Marner
●The Silver Sword
●A Tale of Two Cities
●The Price of Peace Stories from Africa
●The Thirty-Nine Steps
●Three Men in a Boat
●Treasure Island
●Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
●The Unquiet Grave-Short Stories
●Washington Square
●The Whispering Knights